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New Garden Quarter, Chobham Farm Zone 4
Telford Homes and Notting Hill Genesis
Number of homes
Local authority
London Borough of Newham
British Homes Award 2020 - Winner
British Homes Awards - Best Garden/Landscaping Design 2020 - Winner
Civic Trust Award 2020 - Regional Finalist
Housing Design Awards - Graham Pye Award 2021 - Winner
Inside Housing Development Awards - Best urban development (outside London) 2021 - Winner

The fourth phase of PTE’s Chobham Farm masterplan includes 471 mixed-tenure apartments arranged around a major new London square.

More than 40% of the homes are large family flats of 3 bedrooms or more. The contemporary mansion blocks, integrated with generous public open space and family oriented amenities, create a great setting for family life that is popular with new residents; a rival to the traditional London preference for a house and garden.

The design resolves intricate technical and legal constraints along its two railway boundaries, turning a derelict former coachpark into a new, landscapefocused neighbourhood in the heart of Stratford.

PTE provided a full service from concept to completion.

As part of Future of London's Achieving Net Zero programme 2020, PTE took the group on a virtual site tour of New Garden Quarter, to watch the film click here.

It’s all you could have wanted, and what you didn’t quite expect to get in London.”
Our vision for New Garden Quarter is to create an inspiring neighborhood, providing high-quality homes for buyers wanting the best of both worlds: a high-specification property close to the city and a thriving community on the doorstep.”
David Campbell, Group Sales and Marketing Director, Telford Homes
My favourite thing about the development is definitely the park… Our children are very important to us, and for me and where I grew up in Jamaica, my house was on a massive bit of land and I could run and play in the forest, so I never thought I’d find that here. So to have that outside our door, in big city London, some semblance of that, I’m so happy.”
You’ve got space, you’ve got greenery, you’ve got light… I think it’s an amazing place to live.”
Our duplex is really tall and we didn’t expect that. We were shocked when we entered and we said ‘we have to have this place’.”
Challenge the brief, but respect the author
Challenge the brief, but respect the author Diespeker Wharf
38 Graham Street
London N1 8JX

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