Jaywick Sands grew into a thriving seaside resort between the first and second world wars. Many of the original chalets have now become permanent homes and the Brooklands area has become very dilapidated. Working with the council and the community, the Guinness Trust participated in a regeneration programme which included new infrastructure works, employment and training initiatives and new homes. PTE prepared a phased masterplan for 80 houses of which 40 have been built to date.
The design of the new houses takes the local timber vernacular and applies innovative construction and energy conservation techniques. A proprietary timber system was used allowing for the speedy erection of a complete superstructure. Western Red cedar cladding and roof shingles were then applied, with coloured render enlivening the most exposed elevations.
All living rooms and bedrooms face south and west, and have large windows for passive solar gain and planted pergolas for shading. Tenants have been able to choose between a conventional layout, and an open-plan upstairs living space with views out to sea.