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Our studio of 100 people work in three design workshops to design and deliver architectural, urban design, masterplanning and development services. We also have a team of around 15 specialist staff, in finance, human resources, IT and communications. Learn more about them here.

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Aycha Ahemdova
Architectural Assistant

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Tom Ruff
Architectural Assistant (Part II)

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Owen Aishford
Senior Designer

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Zanira Akram
Accounts Assistant

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Nelton Barbosa
Architectural Assistant

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Yeon Barrow
Senior Technician

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Hassan Barzanooi
Lead Senior Technician

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Andrew Beharrell
Senior Advisor

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Laura Binaburo
BIM Manager

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Teresa Borsuk
Senior Advisor

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Nick Browne
Senior Architect

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Simona Bukowska
Architectural Assistant

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Leigh Bullimore
Partner - Projects

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Amy Burgess

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Alexis Butterfield
Partner - New Settlements

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Grecia Castillo
Sustainable Design Specialist

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Danny Ceurvels
Senior Architect

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Joseph Chandler

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Charina Coronado
Partner - Quality

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Patrick Devlin

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Tom Dollard
Partner - Sustainability and Innovation

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Sarah Eastham
Partner - Engagement

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Lena Feindt
Senior Architect

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Daniel Forte
Senior Architect

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Rashik Gani
Finance Assistant

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Nikos Georgopoulos
Head of Graphic Design

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William Gorton
Architectural Assistant

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Paul Hohnen
Senior Architect

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Roger Holdsworth

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Elin Hopkins
Bid Coordinator

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Ivan Ignatov
Architctural Assistant

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Hayley Jordan
Senior Architect

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Ashleigh King
Senior Architect

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Justin Laskin

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Rebecca Lee
Senior Architect

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Lorcan Little
Architectural Assistant

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Marion MacCormick
Partner - Projects

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Edward Mack

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Joanna Malitzki

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David Mao
Senior Architect

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Katie Martindale-Toole
Senior Architect

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Mary McDonnell
Finance Partner

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Alan McGuire
Senior Architect

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Alice Mei
HR Manager

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Heike Messler
Partner - Quality

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Tim Metcalfe
Partner - Communications

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Stephen Morris
Partner - Later Living

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Viviana Muzi
Senior Architect

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Louisa Newman
Senior Architect

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Kotey Nikoi

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Teodora Odrinska
Office Coordinator

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Rory Olcayto
Writer and Critic

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Dominique Oliver

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Gloria Vargas Palma
Social Value Design Research Associate

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Frankie Paul
Architectural Assistant

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Byron Peard

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Vasco Pereira
BIM Coordinator

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Joseba Perez de Larraya Sola
Passivhaus Designer

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Niks Piliens
Architectural Assistant

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Mark Ratke

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Tania Rincon-Rodriguez

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Alex Roberts
Architectural Visualiser

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Richard Rose
Senior Architect

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Sam Sayle
Architectural Assistant

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Rosie Seaman

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Federica Sedda

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Ahmed Sharfi
Sustainable Design Specialist

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Bobby Sharpe
Office Manager

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Patrick Smith

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Phil Smith
IT Manager

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Kaye Stout

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Zosia Szajdzinska
Senior Designer

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Warrick Thomas
Partner - Projects

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Alina Toosy

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Georgia Tzika
Senior Architect

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Carl Vann

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Nina Virdi

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Artur Viveiros
Senior Architect

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Ben Whitehead

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Simon Whitley
Partner - Projects and Innovation
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Create more with less Diespeker Wharf
38 Graham Street
London N1 8JX

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