On Tuesday 29 April Pollard Thomas Edwards hosted The Green Sky Thinking Pub Quiz at their canal side office in Islington, Diespeker Wharf.
Thank you to everyone that came to the event and congratulations to Cundall for winning the quiz.
Simon Wyatt, a member of Cundall’s sustainability team said, "The quiz was a great addition to the rest of the Green Sky Thinking programme. It was a social occasion that gave the chance to learn what other people in the industry are doing but in an informal setting. And obviously an excellent opportunity to show off our green knowledge. Pollard Thomas Edwards did a great job organising the event, they had a band and set-up their basement to represent a pub, plus with plenty of beer to go around the atmosphere was great."
Green Sky Thinking Week is a series of sustainability focused events across London.
www.greenskythinking.org.uk @opencityorg #greensky